My First Five Principles for Getting Fit

29 May


Last year, I decided to design a workout program for myself that would be far superior to any other “one size fits all” routine that I could find online. It took several hours and four rough drafts before I got all of the right exercises in the right sequence in the right recovery cycle. After that, I tweaked it further as I got in the gym, tested it, and saw how it turned out. I posted a sample of the first four routines back in May, if you want to go to the archives and check it out.


Anyway, that’s all to say that I spent a lot of time creating this program to specifically be the best workout possible. But then I started thinking, why not scale it way back and create a much simpler approach? In order to do this, I came up with 10 principles that can be applied in order to get you in the best shape of your life. Right now, I’ll debut the first five!


Principle #1: Eat the right food.


This seriously needs to be one of your top priorities if you’re looking to change your physique. Depending on your body type, nutrition can be up to 80% of how you look. Plus, this doesn’t even take into account the other benefits of eating good food, such as elevated energy levels, which will carry over into increased performance in the gym. Bodies are shaped during workouts, but the foundation is built during your meals. You truly are what you eat.


Principle #2: Start with the basics.


Too many new gym goers want to start out with the “cool” gym equipment like the bosu balls (because “I heard they’re good for your core!”), the TRX straps, or kettlebells. These are the things that they see the “professional trainers” using in fitness magazines and what not. If someone doesn’t even have the proper mechanics of a bodyweight squat mastered, there’s no way they should be using that other “supplemental” equipment. Master the fundamentals first.


Principle #3: Get uncomfortable.


Here’s the simple truth: if you are comfortable during your workouts, it’s probably not doing that much. It may be enough to maintain your body, but I guarantee that you won’t see any results. Make sure that your workouts are intense enough so that you actually have to push yourself to complete it.


Principle #4: Stick to it.


We’ve all heard it before. Gyms get super busy in early January as people decide that one of their resolutions will be to get a gym membership. Then, after a going a few times, they realize that they aren’t seeing the results as soon as they assumed they would with the amount of effort they’re willing to put in, so they stop going. Your body doesn’t work that quickly, so give it some time to shape itself! As long as you adhere to the “BiG” rule – Butt in Gym – you will see improvements. If you’re dragging your butt to the gym enough, you’ve already won half the battle,


Principle #5: Lift heavy, light, and everything in between.

I’ve written about this before, but your body needs the stimulation from all types of weight! Heavy weights will give you more strength, light weights will increase your muscular endurance, and weight that falls in the middle will add more size (if you’re a guy, that is). Make sure you don’t just specialize in one area, because your body will suffer from the overstimulation of one aspect.

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